Friday, August 25, 2017

Don't Kill an Alcoholic Employee with Kindness: Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors

1.  Have you ever called someone a functional alcoholic?
2.  Do you have a social relationship with this person where drinking plays an important role?
3.  Have you heard “stories” about the functional alcoholic’s home life that are problematic or disturbing to you?
4.  Does the thought of not socializing with the functional alcoholic seem unacceptable and

5.  Have you dismissed or minimized alcohol-related problems that have occurred in the functional alcoholic’s life, even while thinking to yourself that this person needs help?

Would your decision to stop drinking with the functional alcoholic cause him or her to question your loyalty or ability to have a good time?

If others agreed to participate in an intervention to motivate the functional alcoholic to enter treatment, would you feel inclined to argue against it, motivated by how your life might change?
Do you believe the functional alcoholic would become boring if he or she decided to stop drinking for good? Preview the reasonable suspicion training program here.

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are an enabler.

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