Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Using, Alcoholic, or Bombed Employees: Let's Discuss Them

Let's talk about the signs and symptoms of drug using, alcoholic, and bombed employees. Within the scope of this post's title is a lot to discuss, but let's start with some general issues. 

Signs and symptoms may be more complex than they first appear.

Many are impossible to observe unless you are a drug addiction treatment expert, and many that are obvious -- like needle tracks and blood under a white long sleeved shirt--you will never see in a million years.

Not all needle users shoot a hypo in their arm in the same place the nurse draws your blood. Addicts can shoot up anywhere on their body, including the soles of their feet. A high is more important than pain. And there are other places they also use and shoot...but will forgo a discussion about them.

So you see, signs and symptoms require a bit of discussion. Such discussions are critical because all supervisors need the information if they are ever going to spot an at-risk employee.

That is the name of the game--spot the risk and intervene with the proper management tools so you find the truck driver who is going to blow through an intersection and wipe out a bunch people. A short discussion about symptoms allows the supervisor to grasp the true nature of drug use in the workplace.

If you think you are going to spot drug addicts actively using on the job by walking into one in the bathroom, and pushing open the wrong stall door, think again.

The way you prepare to spot signs and symptoms is by engaging frequently with your employees. That's it--getting to know them. You develop relationships with them, and over time develop a sixth sense for when something is wacko or wrong. Then you act.

A word of caution about signs and symptoms. Don't try to determine what kind of drug addict or alcoholic is working in your company. Simply focus on job performance, attendance, quality of work, availability, attitude, conduct, and other behavior. You will go much further.

The employee you refer to an EAP (you do have one right!?!?!) with very stubborn performance problems associated with attendance or disappearing on the job will be an addict about 40-50% of the time. And you will have no idea that was the nature of the performance problem. With this introduction, we will dive into the individual symptoms in the next post. See you then. If you need DOT 2-hour drug and alcohol awareness training for yourself or your company, click here or click picture on the far right of the blog. Talk to you soon.

DOT supervisor training understanding performance measures

Friday, October 5, 2018

Make Sure DOT Drug and Alcohol Training for Supervisors Includes the New Opioid's Addendum

The U.S. Department of Transportation has a new mandatory requirement for drug and alcohol awareness. They want four important opioids mentioned in the education of supervisors.
This new requirement is because the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
new opioids needed in training of supervisors image
revised the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs. 

As a result, expanded federal urine workplace drug testing now includes four Schedule II drugs:
and Oxymorphone.  

Each one is used for pain management depending on the needs of the patient or circumstances.

We've included this additional information in the Web Course, PowerPoint, DVD, and Web Video programs.

You can preview the full unabridged complete program for DOT supervisors here.