Sunday, September 15, 2019

What are the Most Popular Ways Employees Cheat on Reasonable Suspicion Tests?

There are many popular ways employees cheat on reasonable suspicion tests – most of them related to the urine based tests which are common in business and industry

People try to cheat drug tests for a variety of reasons, but they all boil down to the same thing – avoiding get caught.

For some people it is a political fight, for some it is an invasion of privacy issue, but for most it is to cover up alcohol or drug use which will lead to termination or a choice to enter treatment for addiction if the diagnosis is identifiable, or if not, then education about substance abuse that then must be completed with firing the employee held in abeyance as they follow through with recommendation of the counselor, SAP, EAP, or medical professional.

One of the most popular ways employees cheat on reasonable suspicion tests – is actually to ‘cheat’ their way out of taking the test at all. They will seek to play on your emotions to engender sympathy or pity. They may use apologies, tears, graphic descriptions of their problems etc. All of this is designed to get you to see them as victims and to make you reluctant to ‘victimize’ them further. They will use excuses, claim innocence and even resort to anger and intimidating behavior all to get you to agree to not test them ‘just this one time’. 

Falling for these sob stories is classic enabling. This is what makes drug and alcohol education of supervisors so important. Education has one overarching goal beyond helping managers spot signs and symptoms of drug use – and that is re-educating supervisors to see addiction for what it is, and illness and not a willpower problem that is influence by being under the duress of being caught.

So, An employee who feels backed into a corner by the demand for a reasonable suspicion test will do their best to divert you from your purpose. Your job as a supervisor is to hold firm and keep the discussion focused on work.

you're not going to give me that reasonable suspicion test I hope angry and intimidating look at camera
Once the employee has capitulated to being tested you may think that the worst is over. Unfortunately, in some circumstances this is not the case. Many people try to rig the test results either to create an ‘un-testable’ sample or to get a false negative. The most popular ways employees cheat on reasonable suspicion tests include adding an adulterant such as water, bleach, apple juice or vinegar to a urine sample. They may try to ‘swap’ their sample with synthetic urine, animal urine or the urine of a friend or family member that they have kept warm.

On the internet you can easily find hundreds of websites that discuss popular ways employees cheat on reasonable suspicion tests that are based on urine samples. This is why many companies are changing to saliva, hair or blood tests to ensure accurate results.

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Own the Program in PowerPoint, DVD, Video, or Web Course

See More at this Reasonable Suspicion Training:

As a DOT supervisor in a workplace that must remain free of risk associate with substance
handouts displayed for viewer on reasonable suspicion training
abuse, you cannot expect employees to use willpower to remain abstinent from alcohol or drug use if they are affected by addictive disease.

This however does not preclude the responsibility these employees have to self-diagnosis and admit themselves for treatment following a positive test for reasonable suspicion. Indeed, loss of control is crucial understand, but it is also essential to understand the employees do "self-diagnose" and "self-refer" themselves to treatment for addictive disease. You want your experience to include this capability.

Loss of control is a hallmark of addiction and addictive disease.  It means much more than going to a party and being unable to stop drinking once you stop, which is rare for even most alcoholics. What exactly?

If you are a social drinker, you will never fear reasonable suspicion training conflicts of interests because you are not alcoholic.

Social drinkers can consistently predict their ability to control all the factors shown above, including their decision to over use alcohol, or get drunk.  Getting drunk does not mean your an alcoholic it simply means you abused alcohol (and yourself.) Here's something to think about:  Getting drunk is a choice for the social drinker.  It is a symptom of the disease for the alcoholic.

As the disease progresses, most alcoholics will eventually discover maintenance drinking.  This is an attempt by the alcoholic to consume alcohol at a rate and frequency capable of helping him or her maintain a certain blood alcohol level to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

See our Reasonable Suspicion Training 100% full preview page with nothing to buy BY CLICKING HERE.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Educate Employees About Substance Abuse After Conducting Reasonable Suspicion Training with Supervisors

If supervisors are trained to understand drug and alcohol use in the workplace and its symptoms, and then also how to take steps in referring employees for testing, does it make sense to educate employees themselves about substance abuse with the goal of having them not use psychoactive substances in the workplace, and maybe think hard about getting counseling or treatment for drug or alcohol addiction.

Of course, the answer is yes.

Yes, because you won't identify every employee who poses a risk to the organization as a drug addict or alcoholic. Reasonable suspicion training for supervisors and reducing risk requires a comprehensive approach. In literally one hour, any business can educate employees, help addicts self-diagnose, and at a minimum cause alcoholics and addicts to cut back on their use of substances if nothing else for a short period.


Reasonable suspicion training involving lots of substance abuse awareness for supervisors is only part of the picture when it comes to reducing risk of accidents and other calamities from drug and alcohol abuse. An extremely important part of the risk reduction equation is educating employees. But what must be the goals of such education?

There are three crucial goals in alcohol and drug awareness for non-supervisory employees  to help them reduce the likelihood of drug and alcohol use at work.

Goal #1: Self-diagnosis and motivational education to stop use, seek treatment, and stop enabling others who use substances on and off the job.

Goal #2: Dispel myths and misconceptions about substance abuse in general, and alcoholism in particular.

Goal #3:  Reduce enabling by coworkers and raise the awareness  of the dangers of substance abuse so peer-relationships become powerful tools in confronting addicts and encouraging affected employees to get help. 

Substance abuse does not happen in a vacuum. Just as societal problems affect workplace life, your employees’ personal travails can influence their attitude and job performance.

Educate employees about the scope and seriousness of substance abuse. In your role as supervisor, you can use the “bully pulpit” to rally your workers to fight such abuse. Use staff meetings, company retreats and other opportunities to communicate facts about drug or alcohol use—and your passionate desire to support employees in their efforts to perform their jobs safely and free of impairment.

Urging everyone to read your employer’s policy will not suffice. Instead, explain why it exists, what it means and how you will take steps to enforce it. 

Help employees realize that the policy isn’t merely designed to govern drug or alcohol problems that may arise. Emphasize that the policy doubles as a proactive tool to educate the workforce on critical issues that relate to everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

The more that employees acknowledge the personal and professional costs of substance abuse—and the need for supervisory vigilance in exercising reasonable suspicion—the more they can play a constructive role in honoring the policy and encouraging their peers to make smart choices.

Ideally, you should implement a drug and alcohol program that delivers ongoing information to your workers. This program can consist of regular workshops and trainings, discussion groups, breakout sessions in companywide meetings and “lunch and learn” lectures from guest speakers with expertise in workplace safety and substance abuse prevention and treatment.

Through such a comprehensive program, employees can better understand the reasoning behind your organization’s commitment to a drug-free workplace, its policy relating to substance abuse and the larger lifestyle issues that come into play when individuals face such problems.

You can also serve as a clearinghouse of information to connect employees to resources they can use to resist or overcome substance abuse. As long as people know where to turn for help, they are less apt to enter a self-destructive downhill spiral.

Many employers promote their efforts to educate employees about drug and alcohol abuse by establishing a well-defined substance abuse awareness program. Through memos, internal newsletters, intranet postings, paycheck stuffers, posters and other communication vehicles, the organization can reinforce key messages about making healthy choices and recognizing and addressing signs of impairment from substance abuse.

Your industry trade group or professional association may provide free or low-cost resources to help you educate your workers about avoiding substance abuse. Membership organizations that represent construction firms, meatpacking operations and mining companies often offer training programs or other useful resources.

Distribute videos and home mailings that encourage families to discuss the dangers of substance abuse and the signs and symptoms of such problems. Brochures and worksheets can advise families what to do (and what not to do) to help a loved one combat and treat drug or alcohol abuse. Provide lists with contact information for community resources.

WARNING: Raise employees’ awareness of substance abuse without threatening them or demanding that they comply with top-down edicts. Do not order employees around by issuing “my way or the highway” mandates or waving your finger at them and saying, “One violation and you’re fired.” Instead, frame the topic as a collective challenge “that we all face that we can and will solve together.”

TIP: Check out for a list of handouts, posters and other resources that you can distribute to employees.

IT’S TRUE: Industries with the highest incidence of workplace injuries also have the highest rates of drug use. So employee education is even more important if you supervise people who perform jobs at high risk of occupational hazards. [SOURCE:] 

TRUE OR FALSE: Small businesses are less likely than large corporations to offer full-fledged programs to fight substance abuse, even though they are more vulnerable to employee drug and alcohol use.

[ANSWER: TRUE. Small businesses are more likely to suffer negative consequences from employee substance abuse than larger employers, according to OSHA. See for more information.]

Friday, May 10, 2019

Click the link on this page to preview the DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training Program or phone 1-800-626-4327 for more information and we will email you the entire product in a download.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Excuses Employees Will Use to Manipulate You to Back Off!

There are many excuses DOT Supervisors will hear from employees when they approach an them for reasonable suspicion concerning use of drugs or alcohol on the job. 

What constitutes reasonable suspicion in your mind will not make an impact on your employee. His or her job is to manipulate the crap out of you to avoid a test. How prepared will you be when you hear one of the classic ten excuses? And will you recognize that you are being manipulated when it happens?

PowerPoints for reasonable suspicion training should make sure these excuses are covered, and if you do not purchase our training program, try purchasing just this small section at You will find it by searching the product with "ten excuses."

DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training purchased on the Internet will always fail to cover the ten excuses, but we cover these issues in our DOT Training. So, please add them or phone use to send more information at 1-800-626-4327.

Let's face it. If you are a wiz and alcohol and drug education but your employees can manipulate you with guilt, fear, worry, anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty, or loss of loyalty among other objectives, you may back off.

When you back off, you allow risk to increase that a tragedy will someday occur. You do not want to know what it is going to be.

Reasonable suspicion training is about education and awareness. The U.S. DOT does not require you to have significant information associated with managing relationships on the job in general. It can't. But you should still get the information. Identifying and avoiding manipulation by excuses.

We realize this fact. So, you will both enjoy and find fascinating the content in this section of the course. The video below is a discussion in general, but you can visit this link to see all of these excuses unabridged. Call us soon to get impactful training for reasonable suspicion that supports DOT mandatory guidelines you must comply with.