Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Supervisors Should Learn about Withdrawal Symptoms--They Can Be More Threatening

Supervisors and managers overseeing line staff workers learn how to effectively identify specific signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse, and I recommend without reservation that they also learn about withdrawal symptoms associated with non-use, that are crucial to documenting what appears to dysfunctional behavior on the job. 

This is a twist on typical reasonable suspicion training, but we believe highly important. Although seldom discussed, drug addicts and alcoholics in middle and late stages may appear without any symptoms whatsoever until they go into withdrawal, at which point they may become highly dysfunctional.

Properly confronting employees does not mean that you get into conflicts with them on the job, but supervisors must know what their leverage is so they can properly motivate the workers found to be potentially under the influence to accept a referral. This free reasonable suspicion training checklist will help. I am only supplying the first page of it here, but you willreasonable-suspicion-training4.jpg find the full product on the shopping cart here.

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